• Nail trimming

  • Ear cleaning

  • Bathing
  • From a veterinary perspective, cat bathing is rarely recommended and typically cats don’t require baths. Some cats can become stressed by bathing. Typically, the only time you may need to bathe your cat is if it gets into something that has to be promptly removed from the fur. If this is the case, here is what we suggest:
    • Use a mild shampoo.
    • Keep the water temperature warm, not hot or cold.
    • Perform the bathing in a small area, to minimize the chances for your cat to run off.
    • Before you get started, know how to handle your cat safely and properly.
  • Of course, if dermatological conditions arise, then bathing with a prescribed cleanser may be recommended.

  • Cleaning soiled fur to reduce odors

  • Medical bathing treatments

  • Sanitary clips 

  • Full shaves
  • Most veterinarians typically do not recommend shaving your cat’s fur. For some long-haired breeds whose fur becomes matted or hopelessly tangled, those tangles may need to be shaved out. Shaves may also be recommended if your cat (often longhaired cats) is having trouble with excessive hairballs and vomiting. Some cats are fastidious groomers, and their overgrooming can be unhealthy. If your cat is matted, never try to cut these mats out with scissors at home, as cutting their skin is often a result. Mats tend to be very closely adhered to the skin in our feline friends. In order to be safely removed, we recommend professionally having these mats tended to. Also, there are a few styles such as the “lion cut” which have become popular among owners of longhaired cats. However, these cuts do require clippers that can make some cats very uneasy, startled, and unnecessarily stressed. These are services that are best left in the hands of professionals.